Activates EaseAlert devices immediately when a call is received.
Activation Methods: API, Relay Contact Closure, EA Activation Button
Vibrate and turn on a red LED to indicate a call to action.
Shine low-impact red LEDs to reduce sleep inertia and improve nighttime vision. BunkAlerts also repeats wireles signal to create a mesh RF network of EaseAlert devices.
BunkShaker will vibrate a bunk to wake up the responder in a less startling, more effective manner.
Immediately displays Crew(s) Assigned, Nature & Location of Emergency, and Notes on Smart TVs throughout the station.
Shaves critical seconds off dispatch and turnout times by allowing for quick and easy unit assignment during 9-1-1 calls.
LED Strip illuminates entire hallways or large rooms to indicate a call to action.
Responders press the Turnout Timer Button when they get to the rig to record true turnout times and improve logging accuracy.
Automatically open/close bay doors, shutoff gas stoves, turn on/off exhaust removal systems, and more...

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